New on Netgalley: December & January!
You can read these upcoming books today by requesting digital ARCs on NetGalley! Keep reading to discover more December and January releases available on NetGalley.
You can read these upcoming books today by requesting digital ARCs on NetGalley! Keep reading to discover more December and January releases available on NetGalley.
Did you know that you can request eGalleys of our upcoming titles on NetGalley? Check out some of our October and November titles right now!
Did you know that you can request eGalleys of our upcoming titles on NetGalley? Check out some of our September titles right now!
Did you know that you can request eGalleys of our upcoming titles on NetGalley? Check out some of our August titles right now!
Did you know that you can request eGalleys of our upcoming titles on NetGalley? Check out some of our July titles right now!
Our Graphic Novel Preview series invites readers to look inside graphic novels. This month, we’re highlighting a nonfiction young adult graphic novel, Visitations by Corey Egbert, on sale November 19th!
Our Graphic Novel Preview series invites readers to look inside graphic novels. This month, we’re highlighting a debut nonfiction middle grade graphic novel, Uprooted: A Memoir About What Happens When Your Family Moves Back by Ruth Chan, on sale 09/10/2024!
Our Graphic Novel Preview series invites readers to look inside graphic novels. This month, we’re highlighting a middle grade graphic novel, Wildflower Emily: A Story About Young Emily Dickinson by Lydia Corry, on sale 10/15/2024!
We’re so excited to see our librarian friends on June 27 to July 2 in San Diego! What’s inside What’s inside What’s inside What’s inside our ALA Resource Center:
Our Graphic Novel Preview series invites readers to look inside graphic novels. This month, we’re highlighting a young adult graphic novel, Ash’s Cabin by Jen Wang, on sale 08/13/2024!